
SPECIAL OFFER! 509 eur/month
This price is valid for the whole year for those, who register their child by December, 31st, 2019.
Standard Tuition fee (after January 1st 2020): 599 eur/month


Meals: 4,50 eur/day

More about meals

The tuition fee includes all educational activities, including basic clubs (not extra clubs), all aids and drinks.

The tuition fee does not include meals and transportation which are calculated separately or any other above-standard services.


Clubs included in the tuition fee:

  • English: 2 times per week, 90 minutes
  • Children´s yoga: 2 times per week, 60minutes 
  • Great experiments once per month
  • Speech therapy
  • Little chef
  • Little gardener

Special clubs:

  • Music club
  • Maths club
  • English in motion
  • Little zoologist
  • Arts club
  • Dance club
  • Athletics
  • Swimming
  • Ball games

Price: 10 lessons / EUR 70

State allowance


It is now possible to receive a state allowance in the maximum amount of EUR 280 for a child attending a pre-school establishment.

As referred to in the Act No. 513/2010 Coll. amending and supplementing the Act No. 571/2009 Coll. onparental allowance and on amendments and supplements of certain laws and amending and supplementing the Act No. 561/2008 Coll. on child care allowance and on amendments and supplements of certain laws, as amended by the Act No. 571/2009 Coll., parents are entitled to a child care allowance and have the possibility to perform gainful employment during the child care period from the child´s birth until the age of three of the child or until the age of six of any child with long-term unfavourable health condition.

Gainfully employed parents may exercise the entitlement to a child care allowance for every child below the age of three or the age of six, if they prove the expenses paid to the care provider for such care, while the maximum allowance amount is EUR 280 in the case of all-day care in the establishment. We will be happy to give you more information about the state allowance in person.

Návrat hore